Its no big secret that I completely dig my birthday...
There is nothing better than celebrating a day that is completely devoted to you. I chose to make it a weekend thing, and had a pretty great time!
On Friday, I got to sleep in, and do a whole spa day right in my own home. Facial, tips and toes, hair, makeup, the works. Hero, me, Rybin, BK Drea, Homeowners, Root Beer, PK and Jenni went to Omaha to the Blazin Pianos bar at DJ's Dugout. I have pics, and I will post them as soon as I find the cord for the camera (again!!!). It was fun!
On Saturday, I woke up with the migraine from who-knows-where. Hero let me sleep, medicated, and with the help of munchkins, cleaned the main floor of the house so that I could have my friends over to watch the Relief Society General Broadcast. Again - absolutely fabulous! Wendy brought me some brownies. (She always makes sure that I get to blow out candles for my birthday. Last year, she brought me ice cream cake...)
Sunday I was without voice completely. For those who know me, you know this was a terrible sacrifice... As I was sitting in Sacrament meeting, one of my best guy friends (we did not date, but were really good friends!!!) walks into the back of the meeting with his wife. Of course I ran to get my hug.
After church I got to take a nap, and then my home teacher (who just happens to be Wendy's husband) brings me homemade wontons and crab rangoon... (which I have yet to share, and probably won't. Like a jury of my peers would convict me for not sharing....)
Hero ended up having to work. BLAH!!! (The troubles with being the big boss.)
We went to mom's for dinner. I got cake and ice cream (more candles).
I came home and did laundry and organized my cds. When Hero got home, he presented me with a blueberry muffin (more candles) and some roses.
All in all, a pretty fabulous weekend.