Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Red Skelton and the Pledge of Allegiance

This is so unbelievable. In 1969, how did he know?

Some of you may remember him but he passed away before many of you were born. Red Skelton was a good & funny man. He also ended every show by saying, "GOOD NIGHT AND GOD BLESS." Listen to the end of this. It is something he said 39 years ago.

Very important that you listen to the very end! Eerie! Take a moment and listen to it (from 1969). How would he have known that this is what is happening?

Click on the link, and turn your sound on.

FOR THE FEW WHO DON'T KNOW: Red Skelton was a movie star and comedian on television back in the 1950s. He created a number of characters, and his show was watched by millions..
I remember watching rereuns of Red Skelton as a kid, and my dad appreciates his satire. When I got this e-mail, it really struck home to me how important it is that we do remind our children what the Pledge means, and that we continue to use the "under God" because if it weren't for God, we wouldn't have the freedoms we have now. I today's society Red probably wouldn't get much positive attention, but in 1969, this was amazing. ENJOY!!!
"As long as we have tests, there will be prayer in schools!!!"
I say...
As long as we live, there will be prayer in our hearts."

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