Friday, February 15, 2008

Her guy!!!

Who couldn't love guy like this??? (Picture taken at our wedding.)

1. What is his name? DJ - if you call him anything else, he a) won't answer or b) will retaliate.

2. How long have you been together? We have been together for 6 years, married for 2.5. Weird.. where did that time go???

3. Who eats more? I could probably give him a run for his money, but I don't, usually. Chocolate is the biggest excpetion.

4. Who said I Love You first? That would have been me.

5. Who is taller? DJ

6. Who sings better? Oh, he thinks he does. He sings, all the time.

7. Who is smarter? toss up.. we have taken multiple IQ tests and trivias. He wins the IQs and I win the useless trivias.

8. Who does the laundry? We both do laundry. Usually the person who needs the clean clothes the most.

9. Who does the dishes? Hailey and Katie, though today I am going to do them. DJ does them a lot too, and he is the best. I guess that comes from working in a restraunt.

10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I sleep on the right side of the bed. It is the one farther from the alarm clock, fan, and bathroom.

11. Who pays the bills? We split them. Each of us pays from our respective accounts.

12. Who mows the lawn? nobody usually. just kidding. he does.

13. Who cooks dinner? DJ - I am usually at work.

14. Who drives when you are together? DJ - and he complains about my driving when I do drive.

15. Who is more stubborn? Again, toss up. We are both pretty hard headed.

16. Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Define wrong??? What I said was right, from my point of view... Your entitled to yours as well.. (That doesn't mean I have to like it. Stubbornness)

17. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine, they live here in Lincoln His are out in Illinois.

18. Who kissed whom first? He did. I was more than willing.

19. Who proposed? what proposal??? we set a date because I needed to know the plans for my summer, and then he told the girls over take out chinese one night about 2 months later that he was going to marry me.

20. Who is more sensitive? I'm not sure. He is a pretty sensitive guy, he just doesn't show it outwardly.

21. Who has more friends? Me.

22. Who has more siblings? Me. I'm oldest of 4, he is oldest of 3.

23. Who wears the pants in the family? Given the choice, neither of us (more fun that way... In my defense, those of you who know me AT ALL should have seen that coming!!!!). No really... it depends on what we are talking about.
Thanks Wendy for letting me steal this one... I love little quizzes like this!!!

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