Saturday, March 8, 2008

Changing the world...

Okay, for anyone who knows me, you know that I sometimes have a little trouble using nice words to express my less than stellar feelings. I admit it, I am kinda a pottymouth sometimes, but I saw this news site, and had to share.

Effectively, this high school kid created this club in his school that says that they are not going to cuss. He lives in South Pasadena California. There are now 10000 members extending all over the world in just six months. I'm happy to say, that I joined them.

This week is especially exciting because the city of South Pasadena has instituted an official "No Cussing" week. There was a prolamation from the Mayor, and Senator and everything.

I would love to see a chapter start here in Lincoln. I think it would be great if our kids all became members of it. To start up, you have to find an organization in the area that would be willing to sponsor the chapter (to the tune of $300 to pay for t-shirts for 50 members). I'm going to send a message to my boss to see if my company will cover it, but if anyone else has some ideas of companies that might be willing to contribute, that would be great, just let me know.

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