Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I woke up this morning with a cold.

Nothing major... Sniffles... sore throat... slight headache...

Today was Stuhr Museum day in Grand Island. There is truly no place I would rather be today than at home. So home we stayed!

Don't get me wrong, I would love to go to the museum, and had it been in Lincoln rather than Grand Island, we probably would have gone. The 90 minute drive each way got to me.

I get sleepy when I am sick.

I get sleepy when I take meds.

I get sleepy when I sit in cars.

The combination would have been too much for my body to handle.

We are going to see Secretariat this afternoon instead and the kids are playing treasure hunt this morning.

Want to know what my treasure is???

Awesome kids!

1 comment:

Peterson Pack of Wild Dogs said...

Cute post Shannon. You know the real prize in life...our kids. They're the best. Miss you!