Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Little Bit Longer...

last night...


I got home from Sioux Falls with Ivory Hill at about 9:45pm.

At 11PM, I took two large sleeping pills,

And awoke this morning at 9:15 to my husband standing over the bed because I was lying across it diagonally with his blanket. He was inder the impression that I should

a) move over
b) change horizontal direction
c) return his blanket
d) return his pillows

(Yes, we have seperate blankets. Trust me. This marriage is happier because of seperate blankets.)

It wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't worked the overnight shift.

And yet, I could have stayed in just that position for much longer this morning.

I take for granted the little moments of peace and tranquility that are occassionally offered to me.

Most of the time when Bug and Did are gone, I spend the time lamenting the seconds until they return home.

This time, I am appreciating the little moments that I have to myself, knowing that life will change on August 14th with the return of my angels.

I can hardly wait. It's just a little bit longer.

And yet, I am enjoying the peace.

Just a little bit longer.

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