She just wasn't.
She's 14. I get it. But it was ridiculous how difficult life really was NOT.
That being said, revelation came at a moment truly needed. Pop now must present a list of at least 10 good things about each day.
It has changed her whole attitude.
I decided, to be fair, that I am going to list things for which I am grateful. (I know it isn't Thanksgiving.. I don't care. We should always be thankful for the blessings sent to us!)
- My family is AMAZING!
- We have a new roof over our heads
- There are also new gutters to move the rain from the new roof to the gardens (some of which are starting inside this week!)
- New siding protects our home!
- The new windows offer a clearer perspective on life!
- One bathroom renovation is almost finished... and it looks awesome.
- The second bathroom renovation begins tomorrow.
- The Master bedroom was rearranged and cleaned today (except carpets. Those get cleaned after the renovation is finished.)
- 5 pounds was lost over the last week starting Weight Watchers.
- My friend came to Weight Watchers with me.
- Asparagus was only 98 cents a bunch. (I LOVE asparagus.)
- My uncle and cousin are coming into town this week, as my cousin is playing baseball against the Huskers.
- My manatee was found. (See #7 above.)
- I went out to a movie with some friends. LOVED it!
- I'm getting my hair done on Thursday!
- Hawaii is ONLY 3 months and 3 days away.
- My hands are going through a deep moisturizing treatment tonite. They are going to feel so good tomorrow.
- Even though I am not working this week (as school is on Spring Break), my job is the greatest job ever! I got to play my violin, the bells and conduct this week. I also got to hang out with some pretty fantastic high school students.
- Only 8 more days until Frozen comes out on DVD and Blue Ray.
- The gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I am blessed to know it, love it and live it!