Monday, November 22, 2010
Thanksgiving Blessings
I got to 25 before I realized that I was just listing family and friends, and that was probably cheating. I decided instead to send them all little notes of love and encouragement.
Today, I wanted to share the thing for which I am most grateful in this world, and that is my testimony of Jesus Christ.
A few weeks ago, an event went out on Facebook asking everyone to post their testimonies. I took it a step further and asked my Achievement Day girls to write theirs. For CHristmas, each of them will receive their testimony, framed, to hang in their room.
I was completely blown away by the power, simplicity and strength these girls have.
I know that I was sent to an amazing family by a loving Heavenly Father who knows me, knows my needs, loves me, and loves my family. I know he gives us challenges to learn and to grow, and that, when we make mistakes, His Son, my Elder Brother, Jesus Christ, atoned for the sins, and that, when we have faith, repent, and ask forgiveness, it is given us.
I am grateful for the power of the priesthood on the earth. It gives me a church that supports me and teaches me of my Heavenly Father and Savior, and prophets on the Earth today to speak to us, and give us counsel. I am grateful to Joseph Smith, who translated the Book of Mormon, and faciliated the return of the priesthood to the earth.
I am grateful for my family and friends, and the choice spirits all are.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Nothing major... Sniffles... sore throat... slight headache...
Today was Stuhr Museum day in Grand Island. There is truly no place I would rather be today than at home. So home we stayed!
Don't get me wrong, I would love to go to the museum, and had it been in Lincoln rather than Grand Island, we probably would have gone. The 90 minute drive each way got to me.
I get sleepy when I am sick.
I get sleepy when I take meds.
I get sleepy when I sit in cars.
The combination would have been too much for my body to handle.
We are going to see Secretariat this afternoon instead and the kids are playing treasure hunt this morning.
Want to know what my treasure is???
Awesome kids!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Garage Sale
1) I should not be allowed in bookstores. Libraries are much better. I LOVE BOOKS TOO MUCH!
2) My children go through clothes way too fast. Some of the clothes still had tags on them. It was ridiculous.
3) Things that were important to me 5 years ago really don't matter than much anymore.
4) My two car garage is not big enough.
5) I still love this. Only mine is light brown, and has a cooler in the middle.
6) The Huskers are on the comeback! (And my mother's set up for gamedays is AWESOME!)
7) The Cougars are doing okay, and are definitely cheer-worthy (even though they lost).
8) I really don't need another baby of my own. Playing with my nieces and nephews is awesome (even the ones I am not blood-related to!!!). (Hi Tare-Bear!!!)
9) There is no real demographic to garage sale people. They are all just fabulous people!
10) Rain does not stop people from coming to garage sales. It just makes them wet!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
News from Dad
Dad says that they took over hygiene kits, food kits, teachers, doctors, dentists, etc to help the people. I think it is so amazing that much of the service the church provides isn't even mentioned, it is done in the quiet, without fanfare, just a desire to do good.
In today's world, so much is done with pomp and circumstance. Glory is given to people for their accomplishments, yet, we forget that the Lord gives us the opportunity, the wisdom and the capability to accomplish much. Sometimes the best gratitude we receive is from those, most humble, whom we touch personally.
Thanks, dad, for setting an example of church service for my family and I. Good luck with your work, and return to us soon.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
A Little Bit Longer...
I got home from Sioux Falls with Ivory Hill at about 9:45pm.
At 11PM, I took two large sleeping pills,
And awoke this morning at 9:15 to my husband standing over the bed because I was lying across it diagonally with his blanket. He was inder the impression that I should
a) move over
b) change horizontal direction
c) return his blanket
d) return his pillows
(Yes, we have seperate blankets. Trust me. This marriage is happier because of seperate blankets.)
It wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't worked the overnight shift.
And yet, I could have stayed in just that position for much longer this morning.
I take for granted the little moments of peace and tranquility that are occassionally offered to me.
Most of the time when Bug and Did are gone, I spend the time lamenting the seconds until they return home.
This time, I am appreciating the little moments that I have to myself, knowing that life will change on August 14th with the return of my angels.
I can hardly wait. It's just a little bit longer.
And yet, I am enjoying the peace.
Just a little bit longer.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Be careful what you wish for...
Now I am.
I'm okay. A little shell shocked... but okay.
Timing is scary, but I have faith.
When the Lord closes a door, somehow he opens a window...
It's there. I just have to find it!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Climb
I can almost see it
That dream I’m dreaming but
There’s a voice inside my head sayin,
You’ll never reach it,
Every step I’m taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high
There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb
The struggles I’m facing,
The chances I’m taking
Sometimes they knock me down but
No I’m not breaking
The pain I’m knowing
But these are the moments that
I’m going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on,
There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb
There’s always going to be another mountain
I’m always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain’t about how fast I get there,
Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side
It’s the climb
Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It’s all about
It’s all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith
Friday, June 18, 2010
The tough stuff always has a way of forcing you to start again, and figure out where to go from here.
My grandfather, Ed Miller, had a saying. "Let's go forward from here." As today is the anniversary of his birthday, I would like to talk a little about this concept of starting from here and moving forward as a method of renewal.
My planner is full, and I haven't looked at it, and I mean really worked in it, for about 3 weeks now. Because of my hero's illness and the craziness I have expereinced, I haven't had the time/energy to deal with all the other stuff.
I do have the time now, but not the desire.
The more I look around, the more I see that I need to simplify my life in so many different ways.
I sat down yesterday and put together a list of my goals for now. These are not "Bucket List" goals, rather, they are things that I need to do to maintain my peace. Having a clean slate, as it were, has given me a chance to start again, and you bet, am I gonna take it.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
It's a RASH of adveristy!
Hero developed an allergy to his intravenous medication. That's right... we were pumping his body full of stuff it didn't like, pretty much right into his heart via a vein. FEVERS, CHILLS and RASHES oh my!
We went back to the doctor Sunday morning, and they changed his medications. We are now dosing him once a day (instead of three times) for a hour (instead of an hour and half). Today we had a follow up and he is doing so much better.
I dropped Hailey off at the church yesterday so she can go to camp. I'm jealous/nervous but I know she will have a great time. When I have 30 minutes where I am not working or playing triage nurse, I will post some pictures of her departure. I loved girls camp.
Ivory Hill performed at one of our new favorite venues - TOAST - on Saturday night and did such a great job with special guest Irene Taylor! Their balance is infectious!
Today, I am back at work, and can't say that is a bad thing. I really do love working here. If I could just work during the day, it would be perfect.
A special THANKS goes out to my ice cream supplier, WenSu, for Sunday night's treat-and-feet walk! It helped give me the boost I needed to get through these next few days.
Our Stake Conference spent a lot of time talking about Adveristy, and that has been a pretty common theme as I have been reading the Book of Mormon with Hailey and Katie lately. Even as I read the General Conference editionof the Ensign, more and more it comes out to me that trials are a focus for everyone, but that we are constantly being given the methods to get through the issues, and those methods are the same ones we have been employing since forever - Say your prayers, read the scriptures, follow the commandments and the prophets. The Lord never said it would be easy, but He did say it would be worth it. Sometimes I forget that that.
Thank you to those that remind me, either by telling me over and over, or by setting such a good example in the way you live your life. You mean so much to me!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
The Latest
He goes to see the doc again on Tuesday, then again on Wednesday.
He spiked a fever last night and we had to call the on-call nurse this morning. We dosed him up with some more meds, and the fever dropped, but he is pretty wiped out.
Hero's mom, who came out to help, got sick on Thursday.
The basement is moderately flooding with the rains.
And, you know what?...
I'm okay.
I talked to my Heavenly Father last week. I told him that I couldn't carry all of this. I am trying so hard, but I know that I, by myself, am not enough.
He is picking up the difference. He is giving me the strength to go on. Even if we are plodding along one step at a time.
I love that he is there for me!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Better Again...
While not the perfect solution, this one will work for me. I can't wait to be cuddling him at home.
I hope that he continues to get better.
If everything goes according to plan: He will probably be on the PICC line for another 2 weeks, to be followed by 4-6 weeks on the oral medications.
Thanks for the concern and the prayers!
They are appreciated!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
DJ Watch
I apologize.
This week has been a major blur, and it isn't over yet.
My Hero is in the hospital.
He was admitted last Friday night 11:30 pm with cellulitis in his left calf. Immediately put on IV antibiotics, he basically slept for 3 days.
Improvement. Not super significant, but improvement none the less.
Yesterday, HOPE.
They took my Hero off of the IV meds to watch his response on oral medications.
This morning... DEFEAT.
The swelling has come back worse than before.
Now they think that he has an abcess under the skin that is filling with infection and fluid.
They wanted to do an MRI, but My Hero needs a special one that is not located here, so they either ship him in an ambulance (can you say MOOLA) or try something different.
Which leads me into my rant for the day... Insurance is dumb. It would be NO BIG DEAL for me to put my husband in a car and take him to the MRI, except that insurance prevents that option and apparently it is a big deal.
So, once again, my husband is in the hospital for an undetermined length of time while we wait to see if/when he gets better.
So, this morning, we are watching The Price is Right, and I can't help but giggle at the irony.
Please continue to pray for best possible outcomes in our behalf.
We appreciate your concern so far!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day
In the first part, I get to celebrate the men and women in my life (and that's a lot) who have served our country, and given me a place where I can live and be and write nonsense on the internet and be happy. Thank you soldiers and families!!!
In the second part, on May 25, 1998, Memorial Day, a pretty memorable thing happened. My daugher, the Bug, was born.
12 years old, and I can't believe the young woman she has become.
I love her so much!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Blog TItle
And yet, I work 40 hours a week at a job that takes me away from my home.
I dislike not being at home, but it was a good fit for my family.
Mom and I, once again, attended BYU Womens Conference in Provo Utah.
I was an emotional wreck almost the whole time.
Most of the conference talked about being righteous mothers and wives.
To have the General Relief Society Presdient say, very publicly, that the "swing shift" is the most important shift of the day, when speaking in terms of "mom's hours." I lost it completely... 16,000 women in the Marriott Center and I am feeling this horrific sense of guilt.
Those are the exact hours that I am at the job for which I am most financially compensated.
And yet, I KNOW that I am not supposed to be doing this anymore. I have been rationalizing for too long, and something has to change.
I am renewing my teaching license in June, then submitting applications to surrounding school districts.
I am working TONS to save up for the first two months of Substitute Teaching. I want to have enough set aside to cover bills in case I don't get called to teach, even though I will probably stay at my present job for at least a month after school starts, to make sure we have enough.
I was reading today in the Book of Mormon where Nephi says "I will go and do the things which the Lord has commanded, for I know the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men save he shall prepare a way that they may accomplish the things which he hath commanded them."
I have not been this peaceful in a really long time. I know that I am taking the right steps. I just wish that I could see what is next.
My cousin, Heath, said the strangest thing this weekend.
I realized, after thinking about it, that I spend a lot of time telling God my plans, instead of listening to the plans He has for me.
I'm sure His plans will take me to a place where "There is no place on earth I would rather be!"
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Dear Mrs. C
You probably don't remember me, but I remember you.
22 years after learning from you, I look at my daughter, almost 12 years old, and just completing sixth grade, and I remember you. I remember that my teacher in 6th grade truly cared about me as a person. Having taught sixth graders, I know it is difficult to deal with the hormones, etc., and you had 30 of us everyday.
Walking through the grocery store today, and spying Down the Long Hills on the book rack, I remember you. I learned to love Louis L'Amour in sixth grade, and to this day, some of the books I re-read are his. I bought the book, since I haven't read it since 6th grade, and plan on reading it to my daughters on a road trip over the weekend.
I attend Renaissance fairs, and I remember you. I remember dressing up in an costuming from the middle ages and asking people to kiss a frog, because that was my contribution to the fair. I remember going to Clinkerdaggers for dinner because I made the honor roll with 2 other girls. It was amazing! I still love all things mid-ages and renaissance (I even studied French throughout high school and college).
To this day, I cannot listen to Sorcerer's Apprentice without imagining black lights and gravestones, and I remember you. I learned so much about performance from your example. You were so good to not just support, but to encourage, our creative outlets.
My children and I take history walks throughout our town, and I remember you. The exercise, learning opportunities, and quality visiting time, are true highlights of my life, and I learned this trick from following you all around Fairbanks.
I attend Science Olympiad competitions for my daughter, and I remember you. I remember how you couldn't just have us open a textbook, read a chapter, outline, and answer the questions at the back. NoNO. We had to build something, or play with something, or live something.
I attended a stage production of The Phantom Tollbooth and I remember you. I remember scrambling through my locker trying to find something tangible to define tangible so I could come to class.
I currently work of the Gallup Poll, and I remember you. I remember passing out that crazy survey and then inputting the data to see the results. Now I do it everyday, and I love it!
I remember that I always wanted to be a teacher, but how I didn't realize what kind of teacher I wanted to be until I watched you. I learned that teaching is not something you do from textbooks. It is something that you give to the world from your heart.
For all these things I've learned, and for the better person I have become as a result of these lesson, I thank you for being my favorite teacher.
Know that you are remembered, that your work is noticed, and that you are appreciated.
With all the gratitude I can send,
Shannon H.
(Fort Wainwright Middle School 6th grade class of 1988-1989)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
(I am trying to be more positive in my life. I have to say 3 nice things before I can complain. This is gonna take awhile.)
1) I got to eat at VENUE for dinner. SO YUMMY!!!
2) I vacuumed my living room (this is an amazing feat and I'm glad that it happened!).
3) I found a fabulous bridal fair for Ivory Hill to participate in!
So, I had to make alternate plans for tomorrow night's girls' night because I may have to stay late at work. I am going to try to work around this snafu, but we will have to see.
1) If I do need to stay at work, I get off at 9pm, rather than the 11pm I usually work.
2) I got Ivory Hill booked at a venue in Wichita, Kansas, that offered him pay, a place to stay, and food. Pretty awesome, I think!!!
3) SoBe Lifewaters are very delicious. I especially like the fuji apple and pear flavor.
I forget that school is stressful. DJ has a test on Saturday I did not know about. He also has so many assignments that he can't keep up with them all. I feel badly for him because he is starting to get stressed out. He is no fun stressed.
1) Mom can watch Hailey and Katie on Saturday. I love that my family is so close.
2) I can get a lot of computer work done at Gallup because I have a new toy. It gives me more time at home to be home.
3) I got my new toy for free!!!
I have a confession to make. I lost my daughter's girl's camp form. This is what happens when I need to clean my house, car, purse...
1) I got to hang out with 8 of the most awesome 8-11 year old girls ever!!!!
2) I found both DVDs I needed for tomorrow within 2 minutes of looking.
3) MY BEST NEWS OF THE DAY: I got a workout this morning. I walked with my super-good friend (who patiently listens to my issues) and then went to work out with my trainer who decided that today would be the day to change up my routine. SHE MADE ME WORK. I hurt, I sweat, and I couldn't feel my arms for about an hour afterwards, but I feel so good today!!!
"Excercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy."
Shauna - You made my day!!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Stack
By stacks, I mean the pile of paperwork that must be gone through to run a household. Such a stack might include bills, children's school papers, advertisements, including catalogs, for things I do not need, but cannot live without, and receipts from my wallet (recently cleaned out) that I may or may not need come next taxing period.
It gets higher everytime I turn around.
I promise... these stacks are like bunnies.
Nonetheless, go through them, I must.
So here I sit, at work, sorting through the stack that took 2 bags to get here.
(For those of you who personally know me, you know that these are not cute little clutch bags. NONO.. I use the big, heavy, industrial sized canvas totes. These things should replace rucksacks for soldiers, except for the bright orange color and the gerber daisies embroidered on the side. That could pose a problem for camoflage...)
I digress...
At the bottom of the stack, I find the General Conference edition of the Ensign for May. It strikes me that the foundation of everything in my life is my Savior, Jesus Christ. with His help, I can do anything. He is the center of everything, and he understands all of the stress that my stack fires my way. At the end of the day, though, His words, through His prophets, sustain me. They shoulder the yoke of my burden, and they help me along.
I opened the pages of the magazine, and was drawn to an address given by President Thomas S. Monson called Preperation Brings Blessings. The title alone gave me the peace and comfort I needed after going through my stack. I realized that I am truly blessed.
Thanks to my Heavenly Father!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Concert Etiquette for Kids and the Parents who Love them!
"Shannon's guide to Taking Children to Performances."
These are not official rules, just MY OPINIONS, but may help parents, children, performers and theatre staff have a more pleasant experience.
- Know your children. – Each child is different. Ages, temperaments, attitudes, bladders and sleeping patterns can affect a theatre-going experience. In this day and age, I would recommend "practice sessions" with video recordings in your own home, followed by "dress rehearsals" at movie theatres with kid-friendly movies. The following behaviors are appropriate for a concert hall. Ironically, some adults still struggle with these behaviors:
- Quietly sit still 1-2 hours while watching performance, with no food or drink.
- Use a whisper voice only when performance is not active (i.e. breaks between songs, act changes, etc.)
- Hold bladder 1-2 hours (It is not okay to put a child in a diaper or pull up, have the child poop, but wait 45 minutes until intermission or conclusion to change. That behavior really stinks.)
- Use a public bathroom facility.
- Dress appropriately for the event.
- Turn off electronic equipment, including cell phones, cameras, video games, etc.
- NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY! It distracts the performers, and wreaks havoc on the thousands of dollars they have spent on their lighting design.
- Quietly sit still 1-2 hours while watching performance, with no food or drink.
- Know the venue. – Before you take your children to an event at the venue of choice, attend an event yourself.
- Take a stop watch. – Time how long it takes you to get from turning the car on to when you sit down in your seat in the theatre. Plan to park in about the same place. Also, time how long it takes you from the point you stand up after the performance until you walk in your door.
- Find the seats you will be sitting in with your children.
- Locate the nearest exits, bathrooms, etc. If you "know the drill" it goes more smoothly when your children are with you.
- Whenever possible, take your children on a "practice run". Most family-friendly venues, when asked nicely, will allow you to come in during lobby hours and go into the theatre to show your children what to expect. A quick walk-through only takes about 15 minutes, but saves a lot of stress the night of when you add thousands of strangers, lighting and noise changes, and an awkward time of day (most performances take place very close to bedtime).
- Take a stop watch. – Time how long it takes you to get from turning the car on to when you sit down in your seat in the theatre. Plan to park in about the same place. Also, time how long it takes you from the point you stand up after the performance until you walk in your door.
- Know the performance. – Do your homework!
- Read the description of the event presented by the ticket office.
- Look up the event online. Read the descriptions. If you feel uncertain about the event DON'T BUY THE TICKET. It's better to be safe than sorry.
- Show your children the pictures, and read them the website information.
- Read the description of the event presented by the ticket office.
- The day of the performance:
- Call the theatre and ask for the run-time of the show. If the show and drive time are going to keep your children up more than an hour after their normal bedtime, consider short naps earlier in the day.
- Prepare outfits early, and have them ready for changing pre-departure, post-eating. Remember that many theatres are kept chilly because the bright stage lights produce heat, and cause theatres to warm up. Light layers are best.
- Pack your bag. Include diapers and wipes (if your children use them) and a small penlight. Remember that theatres do not like food brought in, even if it is "just a water bottle and some cheerios." NO FOOD! If you are looking at a drive-home time of greater than 20 minutes, consider taking pajamas along to change into after the show. These can be left in the car, and greatly help when children fall asleep in the car.
- Take the length of time it took you to get to the theatre (from 2a above), add 15 minutes, and plan to leave that many minutes before the show starts.
- DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE LUXURY OF VALET SERVICE. That $20+ tip may be worth it after the show when you are carrying sleeping, or cranky, children out to the car.
- USE THE BATHROOM WHEN YOU GET TO THE THEATRE! Even if the children went right before you left the house, atmospheric differences affect bladder control.
- Have a great time!
- Call the theatre and ask for the run-time of the show. If the show and drive time are going to keep your children up more than an hour after their normal bedtime, consider short naps earlier in the day.
Friday, April 9, 2010

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
not only in the shade,
but in the sunshine of life,
and thanks to a benevolent arrangement the greater part of life is sunshine.
Thomas Jefferson
I always loved it when Christian bookstores, etc would change the "u" into an "o" in the word sunshine. It completely changed my perspective on everything.
I love sunshine.
I love the brightness.
I love the change from day to night.
I love the rising and the setting, the colors and the moods.
I love all of it,
but I am most grateful for my Savior and for the light that he gives.
"There is Sunshine in my soul today
More glorious and bright
Than glows in any earthly sky,
For Jesus is my Light.
There is music in my soul today,
A carol to my king,
And Jesus listening can hear
The songs I can not sing.
There is gladness in my soul today,
And hope and praise and love,
For blessings which he gives me now,
For joys 'laid up' above
Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine
When the peaceful happy moments roll.
When Jesus shows his smiling face,
There is sunshine in my soul!"
Saturday, March 6, 2010
I'm a control freak. I come by it naturally, but this week, it has become increasingly important to me that I let God take control, and trust that it will be okay.
It will be!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Of all light that you know
And are about to drop off into the darkness
Of the unknown,
Faith is knowing
One of two things will happen:
There will be something solid to stand on or
You will be taught to fly”
Either way... I know my Heavenly Father is there for me, and for those I love.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
When the Lord closes a door...
Last Thursday, Hero had some allergy testing done, simply because his symptoms have become almost too much for him to bear, and, as he calls it, he has a lot of "outside motivation" (btw- that means me).
Among a myriad of other things, Hero is allergic to corn and mold.
We are going to skip over the obvious jokes about being allergic to the state of Nebraska, and go right to the fact that he is allergic to his job.
If you think of a standard double cheeseburger at Burger King, the only thing Hero will not respond allergically to is the beef. And we are not talking food allergies here, we are talking about airborne allergies associated with food. He can't get away from this.
There are things we are doing to limit his allergies. The first was to buy a hefty air purifier for the house, and a baby one for his office at work. We are redoing our bedding, and covering all upholstery in the bedroom to limit contaminants. Hero deep-cleaned everything. We are gradually fixing things up to make it cleaner and less cluttered in our home. We are changing our diet to accommodate the needs of his. He starts immuno-therapy in two weeks: 4 shots every Wednesday.
It isn't enough. We have been talking for years about him going back to school, and I finally just laid it out there. I need him alive in 50 years. That means he needs to get out of the restaurant. He balked a little, but he understood. He thought about it for awhile, and decided that we did need to have him go back.
Sunday night, he shared with me that there may be an opening in his company for an accounting graduate in about 5 years, about when he would get done with school.
We filled out the online applications for Southeast Community College and FAFSA yesterday.
He starts on March 31st. 3 classes a quarter.
And the Lord opened a window!!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Soundtrack of Life!!!
I am a music junkie... My husband knows it, I know it, and my children are becoming junkies too. I can go from opera to reggae to hip hop to country in seconds, and I have a pretty eclectic collection to prove it. It is only worse, because my brother, Bubby, is a junkie too, and I have his old computer and his old ITunes stuff.
My friend, V, put a little list together, and I did one too!
(By the way, I loved it so much, I burned the CD for my car!!!)
Opening Credits:
"Get Back" The Beatles
Waking Up:
"So Far, So Good" Bryan Adams (I would hope so!!!)
Falling In Love:
"Don't Stop Believin'" Journey (Admit it.. you're singing!!!)
Fight Song:
"A Kind of Magic" Queen (Really???)
Breaking Up:
"Rock You Like a Hurricane" Scorpians (YES!!!!)
Life’s Okay:
"Sing" The Carpenters (I do sing when life is good, or bad, or fine...)
Mental Breakdown:
"Can't Stop This Thing We Started" Bryan Adams (LOL!!!!!)
"I've Got You Under My Skin" Michael Buble
"Harden My Heart/Shadows of the Night" from Rock of Ages Soundtrack
Happy Dance:
"Love Shack" B-52's (some part of your body just started dancing...)
"Forgot About Dre" Dr. Dre (LOL!!!!)
Final Battle:
"Rocket Man" Elton John
Death Scene:
"Every Breath You take" The Police (Can you say irony, and a little creepy...)
Make-Out Scene:
"Corazon Espinado" Santana featuring Mana (latin... really???)
Ending Credits:
"True Colors" Phil Collins