I remember once CP suffered negative effects of the dirt and grime of the world. These stains left me shocked and thinking evil thoughts of those who would abuse such a loved one so. Of course as you all know, I am referring to CP. A little bit of crud is not going to separate us.
CP supported my first husband and I through the end of our marriage, and, without even batting a button, came with me when we separated. He held me up, when there was nothing else to do so, and was more than willing to spring up and do his part to comfort me in my grief.
Then one day, I met a man who was ready to love me for everything that I am. It was not because I’m in love with CP but it’s more of I was simply not used to sharing CP’s time with anyone else. It was always me and CP. When I met DJ, I didn’t know how CP would react. DJ turned out to be a really nice person and he ended up being a good friend of CP's too. I must say, wonderful things happened with DJ, CP and I.
What is it that we remember when we think of CP? I think everyone who knows him very well would agree with me on this. It was his welcoming space. He was the kind of person that would make everyone jump on board and get comfortable. Who could forget about his willingness to wrap those he loved and hold them tight? What we especially loved were the groans and squeaks as he took the weights off our shoulders, and off our feet? Goodness! You could hear the sounds of relief rooms away. He was so available. That is what I will truly miss about CP. He could make me relax when I was really wound up. He always comforted me when he knew I just had a bad day. That’s the trademark of CP. He always wanted to make people happy.
CP’s death was long, torturous and tedious. Gradually he had begun to sag, and just didn't hold up the way he used to. While not coiled quite as tight, he just didn't have the bounce he once did. Then he began to really fail. The creaks and groans were no longer a relief for us, but a reminder that the time had come. CP indeed lived his life wonderfully. I will forever be grateful to have known CP. I will forever be grateful that CP was there at the right places and at the right times to save my life. I will forever be grateful for spending 12 years of my life with a friend like him. All the memories I have shared with him will forever be cherished and remembered. CP will forever live in my heart… In our hearts.
CP has moved on to the Valhalla of the landfill, a wonderful place where all good mattresses go to die and we are here at his funeral. This is not the time for us to grieve his death but it’s our time to celebrate his life. Don’t ever forget CP. He never wanted to see people cry, but would support us when we did, and catch our tears. He wanted to make everyone happy. So at this moment when we are about to lay his upholstery to rest, let’s all think back and remember how CP touched our lives. How he made us settle in and how good CP was at supporting us. This is not the moment for us to shed our tears but we should all be thankful that we were given the chance to have known a mattress named CP.
CP will forever be missed but I know that in moving on, we are only bringing ourselves a little more comfort, and support. Thus, on to the next part of our lives... DCP (Doctor's Choice Plus of Denver Mattress)
1 comment:
Ha! I love it!
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